9:45pm (last night)
Me and My mom venture into the movies to see Letters to Juliet. (I liked it by the way.)
The second we walk in, it smells like goodies, popcorn, yumminess.
And what did my trusty Hello Kitty purse have inside for me!?!? you ask
LET me first tell you....
I've made a change!
I am going to eat good foods so I feel and look good!
The normal Kandee, would want a few bites of someone's popcorn, something chocolatey. And maybe some red vines or Junior Mints! And I'd probably want someone to order an Icee, so I could sip from it.
Anyone who wants to join me, on my, GET FIT & FEEL BETTER FOR SUMMER, come along, we'll do it together!
For the 1st time in my life (at the movies anyway)....
I DIDN'T eat any candies or popcorn!
9:45pm (last night)
Me and My mom venture into the movies to see Letters to Juliet. (I liked it by the way.)
The second we walk in, it smells like goodies, popcorn, yumminess.
And what did my trusty Hello Kitty purse have inside for me!?!? you ask
LET me first tell you....
I've made a change!
I am going to eat good foods so I feel and look good!
The normal Kandee, would want a few bites of someone's popcorn, something chocolatey. And maybe some red vines or Junior Mints! And I'd probably want someone to order an Icee, so I could sip from it.
Anyone who wants to join me, on my, GET FIT & FEEL BETTER FOR SUMMER, come along, we'll do it together!
For the 1st time in my life (at the movies anyway)....
I DIDN'T eat any candies or popcorn!
Back to what Hello Kitty had hidden inside!!!
I didn't, but I thought I would, have a hankering for a chocolate treat!
TRY IT, it's sooooo good! Like a sweet soft, frozen, sorbet Bon-Bon!
wash grapes
put em in a ziplock, plastic bag, in the freezer for a few hours
put em in your purse wrapped in paper towels (so they stay cold and don't get your purse wet)
and you'll be so proud of yourself, and you'll have less calories to work off to get bikini ready!
love and movies stubs, your grape-lover, kandee