Happy Earth Day Plus LUSH Giveaway

Today is Earth Day and I've been trying to figure out how I want to mark the day here on Kiss and Makeup.

I could tell you about all the eco-friendly makeup products and accessories on the market today, but I'd surely forget to mention half of them. I could give you tips on how to be a more green consumer, but I think we all know about reducing, recycling, and reusing. I could be cheeky and talk about all the cool green (as in green colored) products you could pick from, but St. Patty's Day just came and went.

I want to talk about something fresh, something new. But I am having a tough time trying to figure out what that would be.

This is going to sound terribly jaded or out-of-touch, but I don't always consider the environmental impact of my beauty purchases as much as I probably should. Since I'm a makeup blogger, I feel that I need to try all kinds of different products, so I know I am consuming more makeup than the average girl. And yes, I know that it is wasteful and unnecessary. But then makeup, by its very nature, is somewhat wasteful and unnecessary.

The big issue for me is animal testing. I prefer to buy products that are not tested on animals whenever possible. I see no reason why animals should suffer for me to look good. That said, I know that some of the brands I buy are on PETA's naughty list.

I don't know....it seems tough to always shop your conscious...as terrible as that sounds (and I know it sounds awful).

Instead of prolonging this post's agony, I'm going to turn it over to you. I ask you the following:

  • How much do you consider the environmental impact of your beauty purchase when you're shopping?
  • Do you try to buy products that don't have excess packaging?
  • Do you try to buy products that are not tested on animals?
  • Do you try to buy products that do not contain harsh chemicals?
  • How much does any of it matter to you?
Leave me a comment and help me out here. I'll pick a random answer and will give that person a Good Karma kit from Lush. (Sorry: this one's open to US residents only, though if you're not in the US, I'd still love to hear your thoughts.) You have til next Tuesday to give me your input.

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