Yes, Anastasia!

Brow styles seem to change every year. At times thin brows are in and then the next year, bushy brows are back with a vengeance. No matter what is in style, brows frame our faces and are often overlooked. Thankfully, there's Anastasia! If you're not familiar with brow-guru Anastasia and all her amazing products, you've probably been living under a rock. But the buzz around Anastasia is well deserved. The Anastasia brand offers a plethora of products worth checking out.

While I can in no way give you a run down on all of the goodies Anastasia offers, I can tell you about some of my personal favorites:

  • Anastasia Five Item Brow Kit: If you buy just one Anastasia product, this is the one to buy! For $65, you get a pair of tweezers that rival Tweezerman in quality, brow powder (a duo with two shades) to match your brows, four brow stencils for foolproof use, a duo brush (one side is an angled brush, the other side is a spooley--I'll get to that in a sec), and brow gel...all in a handy-dandy pouch.
  • Anastasia Perfect Brow Pencil: Available in six colors, this pencil is double sided. On one end, you get a pencil tip that provides a smooth, soft application that never results in a heavy, drawn in brow look. On the other side is a brow brush. The Anastasia brow brushes are so clever! They're very similar to mascara wands (without the mascara!) and really help shape the brows, getting every last rebellious hair into place. The spooley (or brow brush) is a time saving tool that makes so much sense.
  • Anastasia Brow Gel: I used to use clear mascara if I wanted to keep my brows in place. The downside? Clear mascara has that weird smell to it and it tends to flake. Yuck! However, Anastasia makes both a clear brow gel and tinted gel to keep brows in their place! I gave my mother a tube of the clear gel to try out and she's hooked on the stuff. It's fast and easy to apply and doesn't flake or leave the brows feeling stiff.
  • Go Brow Dual Brow Shaper: This double sided pencil has a universal brow color on one end and a brow highlighter on the other. The brow pencil is to be applied to brows in an upward and outward motion to get a flattering shape. Then the highlighter is applied directly along the brow bone underneath the brow hairs. With a little blending, your brows will be shapely and your eyes will look more luminous.
  • Brow Enhancing Serum: If you've over-plucked your brows or have sparse, thin spots, this gel-based formula is for you! This stimulates the hair follicle, providing visible results in as little as 4 to 6 weeks. Think of it as Rogain for your eyebrows! It will condition, repair, and restore your brows thanks to a unique formula of proteins and vitamins.
Here's why I like Anastasia products so much: they're very high quality, clever, problem-solving, and often multi-tasking. Great looking brows are a beauty must, and Anastasia products will help you achieve the look you want.

Since I like Anastasia products so much, I want to share two of them with you. Leave me a comment on this post. I'll select two winners: one will get a tube of brow enhancing serum, the other will get an Eye Lights Shimmer pencil. Two winners will be selected and announced on Monday, August 11th. Good luck!

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