2009: Looking Back

The end of the year is almost here. Yay! I think that by the time December rolls around, I'm just itching for a new year; a clean start.

2009 has been a year of highs and lows, like most years. But 2009 has had more hurdles than most for my little family. Oh well--the best is yet to come, right?

As far as the makeup world goes, 2009 has been defined by the recession. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of hearing people say "in this economy...". Eesh. Due to the tough economic times, I've been focusing more on drugstore brands rather than the pricier department store products. And that's ok. There are a lot of good drugstore brands out there.

I was looking over some of my older posts, and it seems like I was a bit critical of many of the products I tried. But there have been a bunch of standouts. Notably:

My pick for Epic Beauty Fail for 2009: Lip Venom V, the Twilight inspired version of Lip Venom that, well, sucks. Avoid it at all costs.

Now on to the good news. My favorite beauty product for 2009? This was an easy one: Lisa Hoffman's Hand and Foot Cream. I swear by this stuff--I love it and I use it every single night. I'm so glad I've discovered all of Lisa Hoffman's products because they're all wonderful. Yay!

Tomorrow: looking ahead to 2010!

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