The New Gold Standard

After years of dominating the world of eyelash curlers, Shu Uemura recently pulled out of the US market. Their products will still be available online, but you'll no longer be able to pick them up in person. To me, this isn't a big deal. I never bought into the cult of the Shu Uemura curler and in fact found the cheap-o Revlon curler to be just as effective as the pricey "iconic" Shu Uemura offering (click here for an old post about this!).

But now, one of my favorite toolmakers, Tweezerman, is entering into the eyelash curling fray with their Tweezerman Pro-Curl Curler.

According to their product info, the Pro-Curl Curler is designed to exceed the standards and performance of any other curler on the market today. Reworked angles create excellent access to each lash like never before—allowing for effortless use and maximum curl. ProCurl's sleek body shape, with a larger opening, is tailored for exceptional comfort and unparalleled leverage. A narrowed top bar adapts to all types of eye shapes, and a thick, rounded silicone pad ensures intense, crease-free curl. You're sure to flip over this fringe-enhancing tool in its new uber-glam, rose gold color.

I've been using this curler for the past few days, and here are my thoughts thus far:

  • unlike other curlers, this one does not pinch at all...which is a good thing!
  • this curler seems to do a better job of curling my outer lashes--you know...the ones in the corner that can be tough to get.
  • the curler is easy to use and doesn't require a lot of effort to get a decent amount of curl. I don't have to put too much pressure on the curler, and it doesn't tug quite as much as the Revlon or Shu Uemura curler.
So far, I give this product a thumbs up. I still think that if the cheap Revlon brand works for you, stick with it. But if you're in the market for something well made and will give you good results, and if you don't mind forking over a little bit more (this curler will set you back $20), I honestly prefer the Tweezerman to the Shu Uemera.

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