"The idea was to give Anushka Sharma a simple and current look to compliment her sheer gray and black dress on the latest cover of Cosmopolitan India" said her makeup artist, Cory Walia. He kept the eyes smoky, and added a pop of color with giving her orangish lips. If you want to try a similar look, keep the shade modern by blending creamy, nectarine lipstick with a swipe of a peachy-toned gloss.
Rec: Bobbi Brown Cabana Coral Palette (Eyes: Burnt Sugar Metallic Eye Shadow [lids], Tan Eye Shadow [winged out, outter corners], Ivory Eye Shadow [brow bone]; Lips: Coral Reef Metallic Lip Color [lip color], Salmon Lip Color [lipgloss])
Rec: Bobbi Brown Cabana Coral Palette (Eyes: Burnt Sugar Metallic Eye Shadow [lids], Tan Eye Shadow [winged out, outter corners], Ivory Eye Shadow [brow bone]; Lips: Coral Reef Metallic Lip Color [lip color], Salmon Lip Color [lipgloss])