not guilty!!!

it's 2am....I will be in court in 6 and a half hours from now....
I am being charged with the most ridiculous charges...
All I do tomorrow is plead: NOT GUILTY

This is life sometimes...sometimes you get a whole lot of stuff that isn't fair or right, and that you most definitely did not ask for!

This is complete crap....and I can't even believe I have to go to court for this! I don't have much faith in the judicial system...I've witnessed and have seen some very unfair things take place in court rooms!

But what I do know, is that sometimes the most awful looking situations can somehow, work out to have beautiful endings, or reasoning for happening later...

I'm not sure what beautiful thing can come out of this right now, but...I am keeping my hopes alive! I know that even though I will be in the courtroom by myself tomorrow, God will always be with me. And I know the love and support that all of you send me, will be with my heart!

Remember that even in times when we are scared, of feel afraid...we can be stronger than anyone can imagine. We just have to tell ourselves, we can let ourselves get all scared and freaked out about things...but that really isn't gonna help! We can control our thoughts...say, "no, this is okay..we are strong....we are not gonna let this take us down!"..."good things can be right around the corner". We are no shrinking violets!!!! We will go through all the hard stuff in life...the hurts, the pains, the feeling of loneliness, and we will control our minds...and keep ourselves on track!

Don't let the sad thoughts pull you into a big sad whirlpool.....going down, down, down. Lift your head, say,"Today has never been lived before....I'm gonna make something out of this day! I'm going to make myself happy, no matter what! Ain't nothing, horrible enough that it will kill us! We are strong.....we are bold...and we are created in love! So let's go spread some love and cheer!

Sometimes, our own thoughts start bringing us down, "nobody really likes me", "I'm never gonna amount to anything", "I'm not good at anything", "no one loves me","I'm all alone", "people probably don't even like me", "how am I going to live through this"..."this is too hard"...."this hurts too much"!!! Stop right there....and tell your mind: KNOCK IT OFF! We are loved more than we can imagine, we are talented more than we think, and we are more beautiful than we know!!! We are wonderful, and filled with dreams and talents just waiting to blossom, and we are adored....people are out there that will love the heck out of us!!! Each one of us is precious, and deserves to be celebrated and cherished! If no one else is there today, let me be the voice in our heart that says: YOU ARE AMAZING! YOU ARE TOO PRECIOUS TO LET ANYTHING GET YOU DOWN! KEEP GOING MY PRECIOUS......BEAUTY AND BLESSINGS ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!!! Keep that beautiful chin of yours up....and put a big smile on your face and your heart....if today seems hard...that's okay....I'm having a hard day right along with ya....but sometimes, if we knew what other people's hard days were...we'd probably keep our own hard day!!!! ha ha ha ha....we are stronger than any hardship....! I promise!
And most of all, love ourselves!" If no one else is around, wrap your arms around yourself, and hug away!

sending huge love your way....and lots of hugs too.....kandee

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